Classroom Spaces

Classroom capacities for Fall 2021 will return to normal. With the return to normal classroom capacities, dedicated and reserved study spaces will no longer be available. All members of the 分 community must follow the 分 COVID-19 Community Standards, including the community standard on mask wearing.

Before leaving your room or home, self-check your symptoms. Use this symptom list and if you feel sick, contact the Gordon Health Center or your primary care provider and follow their instructions.


2021年秋季, we plan on a return to near normal seating capacity while maintaining outside seating areas. We will continue to follow the 分 COVID-19 Community Standards, including the community standard on mask wearing.


学生 studying in the Prezell R. Robinson 图书馆 or elsewhere on campus should continue to comply with the 分 COVID-19 Community Standards and facility-specific rules.

Housekeeping staff will perform regular cleanings and stock adequate CPE in buildings and rooms, including disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer in each classroom’s sanitation station. Signage posted in the building and room will remind students of the 分 COVID-19 Community Standards.

学生 will be asked to continue:

  • Wearing a mask at all times when inside the building.
  • Wiping down their stations with disinfectant.
  • Staying home if they are having symptoms, have been exposed to COVID-19, are awaiting test results, or have been given instructions to self-quarantine or self-isolate by their medical provider.

Residence Halls

Getting your COVID-19 vaccine is the best way you can contribute to a typical, in-person experience at 分 this fall and to prevent the spread of the virus. Prior to coming to campus, you should upload your vaccination record at the 分 Vaccination Information Portal. Under the 分 Student Code of Conduct, you are expected to provide truthful information on your vaccination status and date.

Before coming to campus for move-in, all residents and their move-in helpers should check for symptoms using the COVID-19 screening checklist. Anyone who has COVID-19, who is exhibiting COVID-19 symptom(s), or who has had close contact of a positive person (regardless of vaccination status) should not come to campus and should consult their health care provider.

Restrooms and other common areas in the residence halls will be open for resident and move-in helpers as long as mask requirements, physical distancing, posted occupancy limits, and other rules are followed. Some of the current protocols are as follows:

  • Elevators will operate at normal capacity limits unless otherwise indicated by signage in the elevator. Residents and move-in helpers who are able to use the stairs are encouraged to do so (especially to access lower floors).
  • Masks are required in all common areas.
  • Water fountains and vending machines will operate as normal.

Residents and move-in helpers will be required to wear a covering/mask any time they are in the common areas of the building (in restrooms, 游说团体, 电梯, 楼梯间, during the check-in process, and while they bring belongings into the resident’s room/suite/apartment). For more information about move-in and housing operations for Fall 2021, visit 分 Residential Life.

事件 and Gatherings

All limits will have been removed on events and gatherings. 你必须仍然, 然而, adhere to 分’s COVID-19 Community Standards and all University event and gathering policies. Indoor events require face masks.